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Quality Management System

Test Plan: Compressed Report Functionality

This document aims to describe the test plan for the Compressed Report functionality, covering functional and interface tests to ensure business requirements are met and the user experience is satisfactory.

Test Scope

Tests will be conducted to validate the behavior of the Compressed Report functionality, including:

  • Validation of mandatory fields.
  • Logic for filter selection.
  • Verification of information provided in the file download.

Functional and interface tests will be performed to ensure all requirements are met efficiently and that the system is user-friendly.

2. System Requirements

2.1 Functional Requirements

  • Email delivery must include a link for file download.
  • Files must be provided in JSON format.
  • The system must provide data within the specified filter time frame.
  • Multiple emails can be sent simultaneously to different users.
  • Users with permissions must be able to use the feature without needing super admin privileges.

2.2 Non-Functional Requirements

  • Usability: The system must be easy to use and intuitive.
  • Responsiveness: The form must be responsive and adapt to different screen sizes (desktop, tablet, mobile).

3. Test Objectives

The objectives of the test plan are to:

  • Validate the correct implementation of business rules.
  • Ensure the user interface is intuitive and functional.
  • Verify the correct handling of mandatory and optional fields.
  • Confirm data filtering limitations based on the applied filters.

4. Test Approach

The approach will involve manual testing, focusing on:

  • Functional Tests: Validating system logic and business rules.
  • Interface Tests: Validating user experience, including interactions, error messages, and layout.
  • Regression Tests: Ensuring unrelated functionalities are not impacted by system changes.

5. Test Strategy

5.1 Test Scenario: Report Generation - Appointment

Test Case 1: Report generation without specifying a date filter

  • Objective: Validate system behavior when the mandatory date field is not filled.
  • Steps:
    1. Access the Reports module.
    2. Open the Compressed Report feature.
    3. Attempt to generate a report without filling the date field.
  • Expected Result: The system should prevent report generation and display an error indicating the date field is mandatory.

Test Case 2: Report generation with only a date specified

  • Objective: Validate system behavior when only a date range is specified.
  • Steps:
    1. Access the Reports module.
    2. Open the Compressed Report feature.
    3. Generate a report specifying only a date range, type, and destination email.
  • Expected Result: The system should provide a ZIP file containing all scheduled appointments within the specified time frame.

Test Case 3: Report generation without a destination email

  • Objective: Validate system behavior when no email is provided.
  • Steps:
    1. Access the Reports module.
    2. Open the Compressed Report feature.
    3. Attempt to generate a report without specifying a destination email.
  • Expected Result: The system should prevent report generation and display an error indicating the email field is mandatory.

Test Case 4: Report generation for multiple emails

  • Objective: Validate system behavior when multiple emails are specified.
  • Steps:
    1. Access the Reports module.
    2. Open the Compressed Report feature.
    3. Generate a report specifying multiple emails to receive the ZIP file.
  • Expected Result: The system should send the same report copy to all specified emails.

Test Case 5: Report generation for a period without data

  • Objective: Validate system behavior when no data exists for the specified period.
  • Steps:
    1. Access the Reports module.
    2. Open the Compressed Report feature.
    3. Generate a report specifying a time frame with no data (e.g., a future month or year).
  • Expected Result: The system should notify the user that no reports are available for the selected period.

Test Case 1: Report Generation Without Specifying Date Filter

Objective: Validate how the system behaves when the required date field is not filled in.

  1. Access the “Reports” module.
  2. Navigate to the “Compressed Report” feature.
  3. Attempt to generate a report without filling in the date field.
    Expected Result: The system should prevent the report generation and prompt the user to fill in the required date field.

Test Case 2: Report Generation Specifying Only the Date

Objective: Validate how the system behaves when only a date range is specified.

  1. Access the “Reports” module.
  2. Navigate to the “Compressed Report” feature.
  3. Generate a report by specifying a date range, type, and destination email.
    Expected Result: The system should provide a correctly generated zip file containing all scheduled appointments within the specified date range.

Test Case 3: Report Generation Without Specifying a Destination Email

Objective: Validate how the system behaves when no email is specified for the report delivery.

  1. Access the “Reports” module.
  2. Navigate to the “Compressed Report” feature.
  3. Attempt to generate a report without filling in the email field.
    Expected Result: The system should prevent the report generation and prompt the user to provide a destination email.

Test Case 4: Report Generation for Multiple Emails

Objective: Validate how the system behaves when the report is requested to be sent to multiple emails.

  1. Access the “Reports” module.
  2. Navigate to the “Compressed Report” feature.
  3. Generate a report specifying multiple destination emails.
    Expected Result: The system should send the same report to all the specified emails.

Test Case 5: Report Generation for a Date Range with No Data

Objective: Validate how the system behaves when a date range with no appointments is specified.

  1. Access the “Reports” module.
  2. Navigate to the “Compressed Report” feature.
  3. Generate a report by specifying a date range with no appointments (e.g., a future month or year).
    Expected Result: The system should inform the user that no report is available for the specified date range.

Test Case 6: Report Generation for a Specific Client’s SSN

Objective: Validate how the system behaves when a report is generated for a specific client without specifying location or service.

  1. Access the “Reports” module.
  2. Navigate to the “Compressed Report” feature.
  3. Generate a report by filling in only the required fields and providing a client’s SSN.
    Expected Result: The system should generate a report containing only the appointments related to the specified client.

Objective: Validate how the system behaves when a provider receives an email link to download a report.

  1. Access the “Reports” module.
  2. Navigate to the “Compressed Report” feature.
  3. Generate a report by filling in the required fields and specifying a service.
    Expected Result: The provider should be redirected correctly to the portal, where the download can be performed.

Test Case 8: Report Generation for a Specific Service

Objective: Validate how the system behaves when generating a report for a specific service.

  1. Access the “Reports” module.
  2. Navigate to the “Compressed Report” feature.
  3. Generate a report by filling in the required fields and specifying a service.
    Expected Result: The system should provide a zip file containing reports for all appointments related to the specified service.

Objective: Validate how the system behaves when a client receives an email link to download a report.

  1. Access the “Reports” module.
  2. Navigate to the “Compressed Report” feature.
  3. Generate a report by filling in the required fields and specifying a service.
    Expected Result: The client should be redirected correctly to the portal for downloading the requested report.

Test Case 10: Validation of Triage and ONC Data

Objective: Validate that the report correctly reflects data from the Triage and ONC forms.

  1. Access the “Reports” module.
  2. Navigate to the “Compressed Report” feature.
  3. Generate a report by filling in the required fields and specifying a service.
    Expected Result: The report should faithfully include all the information visible in the Triage and ONC forms for the appointments.

Test Case 11: Report Generation for a Specific Location

Objective: Validate how the system behaves when generating a report for a specific location.

  1. Access the “Reports” module.
  2. Navigate to the “Compressed Report” feature.
  3. Generate a report by filling in the required fields and specifying a location.
    Expected Result: The system should provide a zip file containing reports for all appointments scheduled at the specified location.

Test Case 12: Filtering Reports by Account

Objective: Validate that the system correctly filters reports by account, generating data only for the location from which the request was made.

  1. Access the “Reports” module.
  2. Navigate to the “Compressed Report” feature.
  3. Generate a report by filling in the required fields and specifying a service.
    Expected Result: The system should correctly filter and display reports generated for the specified account.

Test Case 13: Modifying Triage or ONC Data

Objective: Validate how the system behaves when generating a report twice, with changes made to the Triage and ONC forms before the second generation.

  1. Access the “Reports” module.
  2. Navigate to the “Compressed Report” feature.
  3. Generate a report, then modify Triage or ONC data and generate the report again.
    Expected Result: The second report should include updated information reflecting the changes made.

Test Case 14: Report Generation After Editing Appointment Data

Objective: Validate how the system behaves when regenerating a previously generated report after editing appointment data.

  1. Access the “Reports” module.
  2. Navigate to the “Compressed Report” feature.
  3. Edit appointment data, then regenerate the report.
    Expected Result: The new report should include the updated information.

Test Case 15: Permission Handling

Objective: Evaluate the system’s behavior when managing user permissions for generating reports.

  1. Access the “Reports” module.
  2. Navigate to the “Compressed Report” feature.
  3. Attempt report generation with varying permission levels.
    Expected Result: The system should respect user permissions and restrict access as necessary.

6. Pass/Fail Criteria

Pass Criteria

Tests will be considered passed when:

  • All functionalities behave as expected.
  • Interface interactions are intuitive and functional.
  • The layout is responsive across devices.
  • Error messages and visual feedback are clear and displayed correctly.

Fail Criteria

Tests will fail if:

  • Any functionality does not execute as expected.
  • Layout, usability, or accessibility errors are encountered.
  • Feedback mechanisms or error messages are inadequate or unclear.

7. Test Execution

Note: On this section is recorded a sample of a test realized on 12/09/2024 for reference.

Test Case IDTest Case DescriptionExecution DateStatusExpected ResultActual Result
CT-01Tested the generation of a report without applying the date filter12/09/2024ApprovedThe system is expected to block report generation by requiring the date field as a mandatory field.It was observed that when attempting to generate a report without any filters, the system blocked it, requiring the Date field to be filled.
CT-02Tested the generation of a report specifying only a date filter12/09/2024ApprovedThe system is expected to provide a zip file containing CORRECTLY all scheduled appointments in the system for that period.After testing, it was verified that the system correctly returns the reports containing the scheduled appointments based on the desired date.
CT-03Tested the generation of a report without providing a destination email to receive the report12/09/2024ApprovedThe system is expected to block report generation by requiring the destination email field as a mandatory field.It was observed that when attempting to generate a report without any filters, the system blocked it, requiring the Destination email field to be filled.
CT-04Tested the system behavior when more than one email is provided for report delivery12/09/2024ApprovedThe system is expected to send the same copy of the report, with no data differences, to each of the provided email addresses.It was observed that when attempting to send the report to multiple emails, the system behaved well and sent it to all listed addresses.